For Life Visions
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
For Life Visions, a For Life consulting Project, is an organic effort by incarcerated people to initiate personal wellness and social development.
Founded by Alex, Valentine, For Life proudly joins the Democracy Beyond Bars network of incarcerated persons led organization.
Voices For Life features voices of incarcerated folks whose visions and hope for our society shape the inside movement for a world free of cages. This project, a For Life Project, features audio segments for men and women serving LWOP and incarcerated organizers, artist, authors, and people whose voices stretch beyond the spaces which currently encircle them.
VFL offers reflections and support for a community from those voices long taught to have no value. This project aims to dismantle the politics of fear by injecting into the public conversations, the thoughts and ideas from those whose vices largely go unheard.
Audiovisual contributions to this project can be viewed int eh Democracy Beyond Bars Digital Library.